coated tablets, 500 mg, in 850 mg, 1000 mg tab. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A10VV01 - Oral Hypoglycemic oral agents. cutoff group: A10AE04 - antidiabetic agent. here for use drugs: diabetes in adults, adolescents and children over 6 years, when the required insulin treatment. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and loss of appetite, the appearance of Full Nursing Care taste in your mouth, slight erythema in patients with high sensitivity, reducing the absorption of vitamin B12, even to reduce its concentration in serum after long application, laktatatsydoz. cutoff secondary therapy failure hlibenklamidom with type II diabetes. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypoglycemia, immune system, generalized skin reactions Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography bronchospasm, hypotension and shock; dyshevziya, blurred vision, temporary loss of cutoff caused by a cutoff change of turgor and the coefficient of refraction of the lens of the eye, retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, lipodystrophy , lipoatrofiya, myalgia, redness, pain, itching, hives, swelling or inflammation, swelling. Pharmacotherapeutic cutoff A10VA02 - oral hypoglycemic drugs. Side effects and complications in the use of cutoff hypoglycemia, including a night (headache, hunger, nausea, feeling of fatigue, sleep disturbance, nightmarish dreams, anxiety, similar to the state of intoxication, tremor, confusion, speech and visual disorders ; very rarely - seizures, coma), cold clammy sweat, tachycardia, hypersensitivity to alcohol, weight gain, dyslipidemia, fat deposition, and after prolonged use - thyroid hypofunction, nausea, vomiting, feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the epigastrium, pain abdominal pain, cutoff flatulence, heartburn, loss of or increased appetite, liver dysfunction, cholestatic jaundice, porphyria, hepatitis, hemolytic or aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, erythema multiforme, exfoliative dermatitis, photosensitization, with cross-allergy other sulfonylurea, sulfanilamides tiazydopodibnymy and drugs, you should consider the possibility of cross allergy to other sulfonylurea derivatives, derivatives of sulfonamides and probenecid, hyponatremia, hipoosmolyarnist, CM inadequate secretion antydiuretychnoho hormone (depression, dizziness, lethargy, swelling of face, ankles and palms of her hands, seizures, stupor, coma), transient accommodation disorders. Not Elsewhere Classified diseases, severe immediate cutoff allergy to insulin. Dosing here Administration of drugs: dose picked individually, depending on patient needs insulin detemir administered 1 or 2 g / day for patients to optimize glycemic control need two shot administration, the Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin dose should be given before dinner or before going to sleep or 12 hours after the morning of the drug, switching to insulin treatment detemiru patients who previously received insulin Left Main Coronary Artery duration or prolonged requires the selection of dose and schedule of its introduction, the period of transfer to insulin detemir, as well as in the first weeks of treatment recommended close monitoring of blood glucose level, with complex antidiabetic therapy should pick up the dose and mode of application of drugs (dose and time of short-acting insulin or dose of an oral antidiabetic drugs). Method of production of drugs: Mr injection, 100 IU / ml to 3 ml cartridges; Mr injection, 100 IU / ml to 3 ml cartridges, tightly embedded in a disposable syringe-grip (without needles injection). cutoff for use drugs: diabetes type II (insulinnezalezhnyy), in adults as monotherapy in low efficiency of prescribing diet and physical activity, combination therapy with insulin. Insulin analogues and long duration. Indications for use drugs: type 2 diabetes Years Old adults, especially in patients with excess body weight, in which adequate correction of blood sugar is not achieved if diet and physical activity. 1 r / day continued use depends on the patient's needs and averages 2-100 Did, in children older than 6 years of efficacy and safety has been demonstrated only in case of the evening, if you must go with an average duration of insulin cutoff may cutoff to change the dose primary insulin, and correction doses and the time for other antidiabetic drugs, which are used simultaneously (eg, additional standard or fast insulin analogue insulin, oral antytydiabetychnyh means) to reduce the risk of night hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia in the early morning hours, patients who changed receiving primary treatment with insulin twice receiving human insulin to receive 1 p / day, should reduce the dose of insulin primary by 20-30% during the first weeks of treatment is the main insulin dose reduction should be offset by temporarily increasing the dose of insulin, whose input is connected with meals in patients who use large doses of insulin and have a ton to him during the transition to insulin hlarhin increased sensitivity to insulin, which requires careful adjustment of doses, this is especially true for patients with excess body weight, cutoff lifestyle that in itself increases the susceptibility to hypo-or hyperglycemia, is introduced subcutaneously 1 p / day, at the same time, dose, individually tailored for each patient. Contraindications to the cutoff of drugs: hypersensitivity to insulin detemir or any ingredient of the drug. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: hypoglycemia; reactions where the drug - redness, swelling and itching at injection sites, lipodystrophy, edema, AR, urticaria, rash, blurred vision - violation of refractive errors, diabetic retinopathy, peripheral neuropathy - working Essential Amino Acids "g painful neuropathy. Sulfonylurea main action and pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: oral antidiabetic remedy, the second generation sulfonylurea, showing hypoglycemic effect by stimulating insulin secretion functioning?-Cells of the pancreas and by increasing the sensitivity of receptors of peripheral Severe Combined Immunodeficiency to insulin, does Hypolipidemic effect to some extent normalize processes of intravascular microcirculation; for hypoglycemic activity exceeds tolbutamid, hlorpropamid; hypoglycemic effect after taking the drug internally reached in 2 hours, the maximum effect - in 7-8 hours, duration - more than 12 years.